Antonio Colás Nieto

SWC PhD Student
  Antonio Colás Nieto

I am a PhD student joint with Tom Mrsic-Flogel at the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre. I was an LRO before in this lab, where I worked with Yiran He and Antonin Blot in the 3D vision project.

I studied Biology at UAM, in Madrid, and came to London with a La Caixa Fellowship to study my masters in experimental neuroscience at Imperial College London. After my LRO year at the Znamenskiy lab, I entered the SWC PhD program, where I rotated with Andrew Saxe, Marcus Stephenson-Jones and Petr Znamenskiy.

Now, I’m interested in how genetically specified cell types can help us describe brain function. We, animals, are not born as a blank slate, and can do many things innately. We can also learn many new behaviours, but we often do so in a predictable way. Genetically specified wiring rules can act as inference biases, much like how different artificial neural network architectures are good at different things. I’ll be using both transcriptomics and classic systems neuroscience techniques to bring genetics into our models of how animals accumulate sensory evidence or infer task states.

I like novels, plants and, unfortunately, politics. About London, I really enjoy the red buses and the ease with which one can bike anywhere.