PhD student
Irmak Toksöz
I am a first year PhD student in the Znamenskiy lab, and I am interested in understanding how different wiring rules between transcriptomically defined cell types underlie different computations performed in the cortex. I’ll be using the primary visual cortex as a model to link connectivity, gene expression profiles and functional properties of neurons, and relate these to behaviour.
I studied Biology at LMU Munich and worked with Dr Mathias Schmidt at the MPI of Psychiatry for nearly two years, studying the molecular link between energy homeostasis and the stress response system. I moved to London to do my MSc in Neuroscience at UCL, where I worked on testing novel blood-brain-barrier crossing AAVs in rats, and statistical learning in sensory decision making with Dr Athena Akrami at the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre.
Outside of the lab, I enjoy cinema, nature and backpacking.